
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2557

An apology

... but also, 3 news, 1 coupon & 1 tip! View it in your browser.

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Hello friends, users, subscribers, customers, neighbours,

We got 3 news, 1 coupon, 1 tip, and an apology in this email.

Let's begin with the apology, which comes from me personally, Kim, on behalf of the team.

Some of you may have noticed that we've had quite a few releases in the last months. 

The reason is that we got caught off guard by the WordPress 3.9 release. This resulted in quite a few minor bugs within MailPoet. We definitely struggled to get it right, and we're sorry about this.

We've learned along the way, and next time we'll be better prepared for important WordPress updates. Your patience is truly appreciated.

MailPoet Is Being Rewritten

Our plugin has grown extensively in the last 2 years with new features, and plenty of enhancements.

This made us realize that our current code base doesn't allow for fast development.

It's pretty much like constructing a five story building on a foundation that can only support three. It's getting a little too shaky for our liking.

Moreover, our current code wasn't developed with test driven development (Wikipedia) in mind. This method ensures a lower number of bugs, and faster releases.

We've thus begun this month the nearly complete rewrite of our plugin, which we call MailPoet 3, or MP3 for short.

What this means is that we will freeze new features, and enhancements, until we get a rock solid core. 

This will take several months, and there's no delivery date. In other words, we will take the time it takes to make it perfectly right. We owe it to you, and to ourselves.

We are familiar with this drill. We have the experience of doing this in our team. And, heck, we're super excited about our new beginning!

Two New Team Members

Laurent and Rafael have joined our team in the last 2 months.

The first works on core development, the second on support. They bring their own valuable experience, and we couldn't be more happy.

Read the full blog post, and leave a comment to welcome them. They'll appreciate!

Why Are They Unsubscribing?

Ever wondered why some of your subscribers are opting out? If you have over 1% of unsubscribes in your recent newsletters, you should enquire.

Find the tips, and tutorial, in this blog post.

Your Form in a Top Bar

A bar at the top of your website's pages grabs the attention of your visitors. It's an ideal place to add a newsletter subscription form, isn't it?

The folks at GetConversion have created a free plugin (on wordpress.org) that just does that. They also have another one as a box, which positions itself around your posts.

We prefer these techniques to cumbersome pop-ups.

You can connect both these plugins to MailPoet thanks to this free this add-on.

GetConversion has just released a Premium version of this same add-on, which unleashes more display options, and settings.

They kindly offer a 30% discount for this Premium add-on, which means it's 21 bucks. Fair price.

Follow this link to their own website to get more info on the features, and the discount.

This is not an affiliate link. In fact, we're against affiliate schemes altogether.


2 rue Gosselet
59000, Lille

