
วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

1 tip, 1 coupon, 1 news, 2 jobs

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Hello friend,

It's Kim here coming back to you after the summer break.

If you ever wondered, I am a guy, not a girl, but I'm not Asian. I still get the confusion, so might as well straighten out any gender issue. :-)

In this email you'll find:

• A 30% discount

• Clean your lists, part 1

• We're hiring a Ruby dev, and a PHP / JS dev

• Post mortem of our security issue (important!)


A nifty 30% discount

We rarely give out coupons simply because we offer a pretty decent free version that's enjoyed by tens of thousands of users. We're proud of that, because we like free open source software too.

Nonetheless, it's time for us to be generous: we're slashing 30% off the price of our Blogger license, which is good for 1 site. In dollar talk, that means $69 instead of $99.

Checkout with this coupon: happyseptember

It's valid until Wednesday!


Stop subscribers ignoring your emails

Email campaigns are about high open and click rates, and not about the total number of subscribers on your list.

It's grand time to clean your lists of all these fine folks who have been ignoring your emails for a while. It will ensure that you get more emails delivered to the inbox too.

Before you purge your lists, you might want to check out ways to re engage your subscribers.

Read up on part 1.


PHP, JS, and Ruby developers, we're looking for you

In less than 3 years, we've gone from 3 guys to a team of 11 fine folks.

We're now looking for raw talent to help us double our user base, reach new technical heights, and be proud of doing it right.

Check out our new jobs page.


Post mortem of July's security issue

Well, it hasn't been so much of a summer break after all.

Hackers exploited a security issue in July, and that kept us very busy. It's been the toughest moment in our young company's history.

First, a quick reminder for you to always keep your plugins and themes up to date. Of course, you can't possibly be updating every day, if not week. This is especially true if you maintain several sites.

For that reason, we highly recommend subscribing to backup and security services like VaultPress, or ManageWP. Both of these reacted quickly to help protect their users. It's the price to pay for complete tranquility, but also avoid spending hours to ensure your site is safe.

I'd like to salute these hosting companies for having reacted quickly to patch their customers' MailPoet plugins as well:

• SiteGround

• Dreamhost

• GoDaddy

• WP Engine

• Infomaniak

• OVH (to some extent)

If you're hosted with them, you can enjoy some peace of mind. We noticed some big hosting companies that acted very late, like Bluehost.

While it's not the first time, nor the last time, we get security issues, this was definitely the first massive attack targeting our plugin.

Our hearts were broken after seeing so many sites being hacked. Ben, Rafael, Funchal, and Marco doubled their efforts on support to help as much as we could.

We were quite unhappy at the timing of the public disclosure of the issue by Sucuri, and we let the community know. This spawned a debate. We hope that other plugin authors can learn from our experience.

We are very encouraged by the amount of support we got from the security community, and beyond, often privately.

The positive outcome is that we've built a network of security consultants that we have been working closely with since.

Moreover, we have a better protocol in place in case this situation arises again. If you're a plugin author yourself, we'll be happy to share.

Plugins are becoming increasingly the target of hackers. This trend will not subside, unfortunately.

We want our users to be safe, first and foremost. You can count on us to work hard to help you achieve that.

Feel free to reply, and hit my inbox. I love the reply button.

Kim, and the team



